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Voices members recall the march that started it all

Vickie Baker | Published on 1/1/2023

             Voices members recall the march that started it all
              Voices founding members 12.22     
                         Voices founding members at our December 2022 meeting.

By Vicki Baker

As 2022 drew to a close, Voices United took a look back at its origins, honored its founding members, and celebrated the challenges it overcame. After a divisive election season, in January 2017 the Women’s March on Washington, which advocated for policies regarding women’s rights and other issues, became one of the largest single-day movements in U.S. history. An estimated five million people attended 653 rallies across U.S. cities.

A group of Robson women joined in a “sister-rally” in Denton, sending a strong message that women would continue to advocate for social justice. We held humorous, impassioned, or heartfelt homemade signs expressing our emotions and concerns. Women’s space and safety, the environment and science, health care, racial and economic justice, motherhood, and encouragement for girls were just some of the messages colorfully depicted on signboards.

Five years later, during its December 2022 monthly meeting, Voices United recognized this handful of founding members and celebrated its rapid and steady growth throughout the ensuing years. Today, our 501(c)(3) organization has stepped beyond its roots, reaching out in a myriad of channels actively promoting and advocating for the empowerment of women and girls.

We support a non-partisan, non-profit, which trains young women to run for political office. We collect female personal hygiene products to be distributed to homeless shelters and food banks to women living in poverty. We provide members with updates on local and state politics and legislative actions. We coordinate activities exploring cultural diversity and social challenges and solutions.

But we’re not just all work and no play. During our December Holiday Luncheon, members entered the Best Dessert Contest. After much tasting, a bit more tasting, and one final tasting, a winner was declared—a delectable and heavenly concoction called “This Ain’t Your Grammy’s Banana Pudding”!

And, of course, no end-of-year celebration is complete without an Ugly Sweater Contest. Participants were dressed in fancy-schmancy to downright hilarious sweaters (using the term loosely). The “ugliest” was selected, but all entrants were winners. Just being brave enough to wear such outrageous fashions in public deserved resounding applause.

While looking back and enjoying the present, Voices United aimed for the future. Plans are in the works to advance our mission as we enter 2023.

If you’re interested in joining a group of Robson Ranch women who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness, and enjoy a good time, visit Voices United on the first Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the clubhouse. For more information, visit